In the US, health care is a mess. This site helps you find a way to get affordable health insurance by enrolling in a college or university.
Tuition + health insurance through a university < just buying health insurance. By a lot.
Things, a lot of them software, that I found interesting. Everything I link to is free/open source unless specified otherwise.
In the US, health care is a mess. This site helps you find a way to get affordable health insurance by enrolling in a college or university.
Tuition + health insurance through a university < just buying health insurance. By a lot.
script-httpd is a simple tool to turn a command line script into a web service
Yes, yes, you can write a Powershell script toshow uptime in a readable format, but the Microsoft uptime utility, a single .exe, is awfully nice.
Just in case you needed another reason to use Notepad++, the open-source text editor for Windows, this is for you. Windows lacks the useful "tail -f <filename>" utility of Linux, but Notepad++ has it built right in. Usually done with log files, just open the log file in NotePad++ as usual, then select "View -> Monitoring (tail -f)" for built-in live file monitoring.
I'm sure Google Maps used to be able to show you elevation for a given point, but I can't find it anymore. Fortunately this site does. Just zoom in and click where you want to know the elevation.
DiskGenius is an all-in-one utility for disk partition management, OS migration and file recovery. Hasleo offers...