Monday, May 23, 2022

Everything's Important But Nothing Is Getting Done

Everything's Important But Nothing Is Getting Done 

The story of how one company overcame being overwhelmed, reorganized how they worked, and improved.


    "High", "Medium" and "Low" priority, as is used by much project mgmt software, is useless.  You have to instead look at urgency and impact.

        "High-medium-low" prioritization lacks enough detail to resolve conflicts.
It lacks a common language or framework for what “high” or “low” mean, and how to compare different priorities against each other. When most people talk about something being “high priority”, what they really mean is that the project has some combination of urgency and impact. Both of those are measurable or quantifiable parameters, but the informality of traditional prioritization glosses over them.

    Figure out what aspect of work you're missing by seeing how people feel.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Use djoin to join a remote computer to a domain

Allows you to join a PC to a domain even when not on the domain.  Useful when prepping a PC for deployment before bringing it to customer site.

You'll need remote access (RDP, Anydesk, etc.) to customer site.

On a domain-attached computer at the customer's site, do:
djoin /provision /domain customerdomain.local /machine new-machine-name /savefile c:\temp\djoin-data.txt

Copy the  djoin-data.txt file to the local PC you're prepping and do: 

djoin /requestODJ /loadfile djoin-data.txt /windowspath %SystemRoot% /localos

That's it.  When you power up the PC at the customer site, the PC is already AD joined and users will be able to logon with their AD creds.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Get and Set MS Exchange Virtual Directories

Validate all of these are correct when troubleshooting Exchange connectivity problems.

Also, a poster named 'overdrive' in this Spiceworks thread has a really comprehensive setup guide to getting all these right.  It looks so comprehensive that I saved a copy here, in case that one disappears.

get-webservicesvirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
get-mapivirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
IMPORTANT! Note that get/set-clientaccessservice below inexplicably uses "URI" at the end and not "URL" like all the others!
get-clientaccessservice -identity exchange | select name,autodiscoverserviceinternaluri
Get-oabvirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
Get-activesyncvirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
Get-ecpvirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
Get-owavirtualdirectory -server exchange | Select Server,Externalurl,Internalurl
Get-OutlookAnywhere -server exchange | Select Server,ExternalHostname,Internalhostname
If Outlook fails with an RPC over HTTP authentication error:   In addition, to get OutlookAnywhere working Externally you have to enable Basic authentication in "ExternalClientAuthenticationMethod", as the default NTLM doesn't work for external clients.  This may be done in Exchange ECP > Servers > Server Name > Outlook Anywhere, or via Powershell.

DiskGenius and Hasleo Backup

DiskGenius is an all-in-one utility for disk partition management, OS migration and file recovery. Hasleo offers...