Thursday, June 24, 2021

Get access to Redirected Folders


This post is a copy of the article referenced above.  Just read that if the link is still good.  Otherwise I include it here because it is so useful, and things disappear on the web.

Download pstools (part of the sysinternals package).

I suggest you create c:\sysinternals, unzip it there, and add that to your path.

Copy the below to a script named ChangePermissions.ps1.  

Change the two highlighted lines to suit your environment.

# CACLS rights are usually
# F = FullControl
# C = Change
# R = Readonly
# W = Write

$StartingDir= "E:\Users\shares"



$Verify=Read-Host `n "You are about to change permissions on all" `
"files starting at"$StartingDir.ToUpper() `n "for security"`
"principal"$Principal.ToUpper() `
"with new right of"$Permission.ToUpper()"."`n `
"Do you want to continue? [Y,N]"

if ($Verify -eq "Y") {

foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) {
#display filename and old permissions
write-Host -foregroundcolor Yellow $file.FullName
#uncomment if you want to see old permissions
#CACLS $file.FullName

#ADD new permission with CACLS
CACLS $file.FullName /E /P "${Principal}:${Permission}" >$NULL

#display new permissions
Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green "New Permissions"
CACLS $file.FullName

 Run the script from an elevated cmd prompt with this command:

    psexec -s -i powershell -noexit "& 'C:\Path\To\ChangePermissions.ps1'"

It will recursively grant you access to everything in that path.

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